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Are Your PAsswords SAfe? A deep dive into Modern PAssword Security

In our digital world, keeping your passwords safe is more critical than ever. But how do you know if your passwords are secure? Today, we’re diving into what makes a strong password, the latest tools for managing them, and how to stay one step ahead of hackers.

UnderstAnding PAssword Length And Complexity

Statista’s 2021 study highlighted that 64% of Americans use passwords between 8 and 11 characters. While this is a common standard, it’s not always enough to keep your data secure.

Why Length MAtters

Passwords with only numbers or lowercase letters can be cracked almost instantly. If your password has 8 characters including numbers, uppercase, and special characters, it can still be cracked in about 5 minutes. However, an 11-character password with the same complexity takes about 3 years to crack. Step that up even further to an 18 character password, with upper and lower case letters as well as numbers and special characters and it could take up to 26 TRILLION years to break your password.

enhAncing Your PAssword Security

Avoid Common Patterns

Don’t fall into the trap of using easy-to-guess substitutions like replacing ‘A’ with ‘@’ or ‘S’ with ‘$’. Similarly, avoid predictable sequences like ‘password1’, ‘password2’, etc.

embrAce PAssword MAnAgers

Password managers are a game-changer for maintaining strong and secure passwords. At Our Team Accounting we use 1Password, a tool that securely stores and manages your passwords. If you’re sharing passwords with team members, it ensures only authorized users have access.

Popular Password Managers:

  • 1Password: User-friendly and highly secure.
  • Keeper: Widely trusted with robust security features.
  • Bitwarden: Open-source and cost-effective.

The ImportAnce of Two-FActor AuthenticAtion (2FA)

Adding an extra layer of security is crucial. 2FA often involves a code sent to your phone or email, ensuring that even if your password is compromised, your account remains protected. Other forms of 2FA would include using a authentication tool like Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator or Aegis.

Multi-FActor AuthenticAtion (MFA)

MFA combines:

  1. Something you know (password and security questions)
  2. Something you have (a code sent to your device)
  3. Something you are (biometric data like fingerprints or facial recognition)

Best PrActices for Secure PAssword ShAring

When you need to share access with someone, try to create separate user accounts. Not all online accounts will allow you to have multiple users accessing a single account though, so if that’s not possible, using a password manager can securely share and update passwords across users. If someone is prompted to change the password, all they need to do is update the password manager and then anyone with access to that gets the updated password as well.

AlternAtives to LAstPAss

Due to recent security breaches, LastPass has fallen out of favor with a lot of cyber security professionals. Certainly do your own research, but if you’re currently using LastPass or considering it, I’d encourage you to choose a different tool.


Ensuring your passwords are safe involves more than just creating a complex string of characters. Utilizing tools like password managers, enabling 2FA, and staying informed about the latest security trends are key steps in protecting your digital life.

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